Current conventional escalator is still no-load rated speed operation, high energy consumption, mechanical wear, long service life and low defects. For example, 16 Jilin Trade Mall escalators, each electric power escalators 8kW, power 70kWh per day about escalators, running 11 hours a day, and always constant speed operation, in most cases, run at higher escalator 2/3 of the rated capacity or less, no-load each time the cumulative daily escalators for about 5 hours. If the escalator in the absence of the no-load shutdown or put on hold, will greatly reduce electricity consumption. If the escalator from the daily continuous operation mode was changed to constant run properly when riding constant speed, no ladder slow moving or stopped, will be able to achieve the purpose of saving. Reference to the large amounts of data, I feel this way can achieve.
After research trials in escalator installation of electrical control circuit inverter, can be realized by a simple transformation of this function. Frequency control mode control escalator run, so that the escalator with a smooth start, energy-saving operation. No ladder, the escalator from the rated speed into low-speed operation, which saves energy, but also reduces the mechanical wear. When a passenger approached, escalator starts running at normal speed; passengers left, escalators deceleration becomes slow running or stopped, waiting for the next one passenger. If passengers continuously, escalators will continuously run at normal speed, until the last one to leave the escalator passengers.
Now most of the production is no escalator speed control function, and escalators are made by three-phase asynchronous motor driven mechanical parts gearbox operation. According to the motor theory, AC motor speed formula is:
n = 60 × f / p (1 - s)
Formula: f is the frequency of the stator power; p the number of pole pairs; n is speed; s the slip.
(A) change the motor pole pairs p can change the motor speed, which is used in AC double-speed motor speed control method.
(Two) by adjusting the size of the stator winding voltage to change the purpose of the slip s to achieve speed control, which is used in AC variable speed motor speed control method.
(Three) the power to change the stator frequency f can achieve speed control purposes, but f can not exceed the maximum rated motor frequency, elevator as a constant torque load, speed and time in order to maintain maximum torque constant, according to the torque equation:
M = CmφIcosφ
The formula: Cm for the motor constant; I is the rotor current; φ of the motor air gap flux; cosφ the rotor power factor, φ must be kept constant. Also according to the voltage equation:
U = 4.44fWkφ
Where: U is the stator voltage; f is the stator voltage frequency; W is the stator winding turns; k constant for the motor, must be maintained U / f is constant, and according to principles of motor drive, the speed ratio of the ratio equal to the frequency equal to voltage ratio,
Equal to the power ratio.
Namely N0 / N1 = f0 / f1 = U0 / U1 = P0 / P1
Ie, the inverter must both transformer, frequency two functions, which is the fundamental frequency elevator control principle.Third, the economic analysis Change the existing variable speed constant escalator escalator, taking into account the motor without change, the original of the motor, after verification, the most effective way to save energy is to install the drive. By changing the power frequency inverter to achieve the purpose of speed. For example:Escalator motor for the two pairs of pole single speed motors, according to the formula
n = 60 × f / p (1 - s)
When the slip little change, n is essentially proportional to f. Escalator constant speed f = 50Hz, motor speed:
n = 60 × 50/2 = 1500, i.e. 1500 rpm.
Escalator slow line f = 20Hz, motor speed:
n = 60 × 20/2 = 600, 600 revolutions per minute.
When the motor is rated at 380V, frequency is 50Hz, through the inverter to change the frequency, the frequency of the original frequency of 40%, ie 20Hz when sent to the motor voltage becomes:
U1 = (380V × 20Hz) / 50Hz = 152V
According to the formula U0 / U1 = P0/P1 drawn P1 = 0.4P0
Thus the electric power consumed by the motor is 40% of the original power.
Based on the above projections, a 8kW electric motor, running 11 hours a day, electricity is 1 yuan per kWh, then it is a day of electricity:
1 × 11 × 8 × 0.8 = 70.4 million.
After installing the drive, if the daily Slow Running time 50% of the day, then slow-consuming daily tariff is:
1 × 5.5 × 8 × 0.4 × 0.8 = 14.08 million.
After installing the drive as a daily consumption: 70.4 / 2 +14.08 = 49.28 yuan.
After installing the drive as a daily saving: 70.4-49.28 = 21.12 yuan.
By measuring the actual saving energy meter around 20kWh per day.