Thyssen Elevator Inverter CPIK15M1 unique field, automatic torque boost function in the elevator drag to get good comfort and stability. Acceptable controller such as a PLC multi-speed frequency command or analog voltage, current command; through self learning to adapt to a variety of motor and get a good vector control characteristics; low speed the excellent smooth start; hardware reliability and highly cost-effective .
The basic principle of the VVVF type elevator
According to the motor theory, the AC motor speed formula:
n = 60f (1-s) / p
In the above formula: f is the power supply frequency of the stator; p is the number of pole pairs;
s is the slip; n is speed.
Therefore, the AC motor speed control method following:
(1) to change the motor pole number p, the motor speed can be changed. AC double-speed ladder governor.
(2) is changed by adjusting the size of the stator winding voltage to the slip s, in order to achieve the speed control purposes. AC variable speed ladder governor.
(3) changing the the stator power frequency f can also achieve speed control purposes, but f not exceed the maximum rated motor frequency. Elevator as a constant torque load speed in order to maintain maximum torque unchanged, according to the torque formula the M = CmФIcosφ in Cm motor constant, I is the rotor current, Ф for the motor air gap flux, cosφ rotor power factor. Must remain the Ф constant, again based on the voltage equation U = 4.44fWkФ, where U is the stator voltage, f is the frequency of the stator voltage, W of stator winding turns, k is the motor constant, must maintain the U / f is constant, i.e. Thyssen Elevator VVVF inverter must both two functions referred to as the VVVF (Vary Voltage Vary Frequency) type Thyssen inverter, which is the basic control principle VVVF elevator.
Select power and other accessories
Usually the Thyssen drive in an elevator application also need the brake unit with the braking resistor, to obtain a sufficient braking torque during the regeneration state; also need to configure the the PG speed card encoder the speed feedback signal; generator operation in the long term and other special places also need to configure the AC reactor. ThyssenKrupp Elevator the inverter generally in accordance with the motor power amplifier with a choice, in order to Thyssen inverter control performance, general the Thyssen Elevator Inverter CPIK15M1 power shall satisfy the following formula:
The Thyssen Elevator Inverter CPIK15M1 power ≥ K × 1.732 × Vm × Im
Which current waveform correction coefficient, K, Vm rated motor voltage, Im is the motor rated current.
The choice of the brake unit
The Thyssen Elevator Inverter CPIK15M1 applications when rising car no-load or reload decline, the drag system exists potential load decentralization. The motor will be in the running state of regenerative braking energy flow to the DC link by the inverter link in parallel diode to charge the filter capacitor motor feedback. When the feedback energy is large, it will cause the DC link voltage rises failure, motor rapid deceleration will cause the above phenomenon.
The solution is the Thyssen Elevator Inverter CPIK15M1 DC link shunt braking unit and braking resistor. The braking unit is an optional component of the Thyssen drive, equipped to detect and control circuit, its work Thyssen inverter DC link voltage line detection. When the voltage exceeds the allowable value set, the trigger brake transistor is turned on, the release of energy through the resistor to maintain Thyssen Elevator Inverter CPIK15M1 DC bus voltage within the normal operating range, a braking unit several resistors in parallel, as the conditions .
Resistor selection
Resistor selection is very important, resistor selection is too large braking torque resistance is chosen too small too much current, resistance heating, and other issues are difficult to resolve. General power of resistance and resistance we recommend lifting height larger, higher motor speed can be properly reduced resistance to higher braking torque, the minimum can not meet the braking torque, to be replaced a power Thyssen inverter.
Braking unit and braking resistor selection should be based on the feedback of the largest energy and time. The general braking resistor should be chosen so the brake current Is not exceed the Thyssen drive rated current Ie, the maximum power of the braking resistor Pmax is less than 1.5 times the Thyssen Elevator Inverter CPIK15M1 power, then multiplied by the overload factor . Overload factor related to the deceleration time and continuous braking time specific to the manufacturers to provide resistance overload factor and parameter sample.
The using braking resistor consumption motor regenerative braking energy back to the DC circuit, Thyssen inverter manufacturers usually provide the user optional - braking unit and braking resistor. The braking process, when the circuit DC voltage is higher than the normal voltage of 70V, the IGBT in the brake unit, the DC chopper, so that the braking resistor current flowing through the regenerative power consumption.
PG Card
PG card generally select PG-B2, only encoder line encoder pulse output or need 2000p / r PG-X2 speed card frequency output can provide a maximum of 32 points available for the controller count.
Optical encoder
Use incremental 600p / r, push-pull amplifier output A phase B phase Z relative to the origin of the signal, shaft diameter 8mm hollow encoder.
System components
A hardware configuration of the system shown in Figure 1, is constituted mainly by the following parts:
iAStar Elevator Thyssen Elevator Inverter CPIK15M1 can achieve smooth operation and precise control of the motor to achieve the desired output. And PG, U / f control, vector control without PG, PG U / f control, PG vector control, four control integration, which PG vector control is the most suitable elevator control requirements. The capacity options best freshman magnitude optional, elevator motors general election llkW or 15kW asynchronous motor. 11kW motor election 15kW inverter Thyssen the 15kW motor elect 18kW inverter Thyssen.
Thyssen inverter parameter settings
As a result of the PLC logic control components, so the the Thyssen Elevator Inverter CPIK15M1 and PLC communication when using switch instead of analog. Here are a few main parameters settings: In order to reduce the start-impact and increase passenger comfort, speed loop speed control system should be proportional coefficient smaller integration time constant should be larger C5-01 = 5 was chosen , C5-02 = 2s. In order to improve operational efficiency, the express train frequency should be selected as the power frequency, and crawling frequency as low as possible to minimize the impact of parking Dl-02 = 50Hz was chosen Dl-= 5Hz.
Overhaul the slow frequency optional Dl-09 = 12Hz. While "S" curve characteristic prevents the start of the vibration generated when the change speed or stop, which is most applicable in the elevator, can greatly improve the ride comfort. In addition, fault diagnosis, detection, memory and other functions of the Thyssen Elevator Inverter CPIK15M1 system maintenance is also very convenient and practical. In order to ensure the accuracy and reliability of operation of flat layers, the traction motor speed control should be a closed loop, its rotational speed detected by the motor coaxial rotation of the rotary encoder is complete. Must ensure that the concentricity and reliability of the connection of the rotary encoder and the electric motor, in order to ensure the accuracy of the speed sampling. Thyssen inverter other commonly used parameters can be entered directly under the grid voltage and motor nameplate parameters. Elevator operation ideal curve shown in Figure 2.
Thyssen Elevator Inverter CPIK15M1 work in the best condition, after the completion of the parameter settings, you need to make the Thyssen inverter motor driven self-learning: traction mechanism drive wheels and the motor shaft from the The motor is unloaded, and then start the motor, the the Thyssen Elevator Inverter CPIK15M1 can automatically identify and store the relevant parameters of the motor, Thyssen inverter optimal control of the motor. At this point, the Thyssen Elevator Inverter CPIK15M1 parameters are set.